Product Alerts

With the Product Alerts, customers can subscribe to two types of alerts by email:

  • Price change alerts

  • In-stock alerts

For each type of alert, you can determine if customers are able to subscribe, select the email template that is used, and identify the sender of the email.

How to configure the product alerts

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.

  3. Click to expand the Product Alerts section.

  4. Select the configuration you desire.

  5. Save Config and flush cache storage.




Allow Alert When Product Price Changes


Select Yes or No.

Price Alert Email Template


Choose the email template for when the price of a product drops.

Allow Alert When Product Comes Back in Stock


Select Yes or No.

Stock Alert Email Template


Choose the email template for when a product is back in stock.

Alert Email Sender


Define who should be the email sender. Eg. Sales Representative, Customer Service.

How to configure product alerts email templates

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Communications > Email Templates.

  2. Click Add New Template.

  3. Under Load default template, choose the Template that you want to customize.

  4. Click Load Template.

  5. Enter a Template Name. You will select this name in the Price Alerts configuration.

  6. Change the Template Subject and Template Content accordingly.

  7. Click Save Template.

Last updated