Product Settings
Use the test cases below to test your ScandiPWA App!
ScandiPWA supports all the necessary settings for creating the products.
Below you will find the list of other Product Settings (the remaining settings that are located at the bottom of the product editing page in Back-End) that are supported by ScandiPWA:
Search Engine Optimization | SUPPORTED | The Search Engine Optimization section specifies the URL Key and meta data fields that are used by search engines to index the product. |
Related Products, Up-Sells, Cross-Sells | SUPPORTED | This section is used to set up simple promotional blocks that present a selection of additional products that might be of interest to the customer. |
Products in Websites | SUPPORTED | The Product in the Websites section shows the current scope of the product within the store hierarchy. |
Product Reviews | SUPPORTED | Under the product reviews section, all submitted reviews about the product are listed. |
Product Images and Video | SUPPORTED | In the Images and Video section, you can manage your product gallery by adding/removing/hiding product images and videos, rearranging them, and controlling how each image is used. |
Content | SUPPORTED | The content section is used to enter the main product description that will appear on the About tab and the short description, which appears below the name and information of the product. |
Configurations | SUPPORTED | The Configuration section lists any existing variations of the product, and can also be used to generate variations for use with the Configurable product type. |
Customizable Options | SUPPORTED | Customizable options are based on variations of a single SKU and can be a good solution if your inventory needs are simple. |
Grouped Products | SUPPORTED | The Grouped Products section is used to add items to a Grouped product type, and also to edit the current selection of items. |
Advanced Product Settings | SUPPORTED | Advanced product settings include the price and inventory management of a product. |
Design | COMING SOON | These settings allow you to apply a different theme to the product page, change the column layout, determine where product options appear and enter custom XML code. |
Gift Options | IN PROGRESS | These options can be set at the product level to allow a gift message to be added to the product during checkout. Track the progress - |
The products will be updated on the front-end immediately after save as they are part of the ScandiPWA caching solution that will invalidate caching entries for the updated content. No cache flush or any other manual operations are necessary. Content will be visible after page refresh and a new cache entry will be stored.
To verify the support for this section, use the following test cases:
Last updated