Stock Options

With ScandiPWA, your catalog stock can be configured based on your preferences. Our theme will respect the settings and display the stock messages correctly on the storefront:




Set Items’ status to be In Stock When Order is Canceled


The setting determines whether the items are returned to stock when an order is canceled.

Decrease Stock When Order is Placed


The setting adjusts the quantity on hand when an order is placed. Possible options: "yes" or "no".

Display Out of Stock Products


If set to "yes", ScnadiPWA will display the products in the catalog that are no longer in stock.

Display X left Threshold


The "Only X left" notice will be displayed on the storefront when the quantity in stock reaches X.

Display Products Availability In Stock on Storefront


Displays an "In Stock" or "Out of Stock" message on the product page if the setting is set to yes.

To set general Stock Options

  1. Access Admin > Stores > Settings > Configuration

  2. Expand the Catalog tab

  3. Tap Catalog > Inventory > Stock Options

  4. Edit your preferences.

  5. Save Config.

  6. Flush Cache Storage:

Caching Note

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Tools > Cache Management

  2. Choose Flush Cache Storage.

Last updated