Color and Content Customization

Color and content customization


ScandiPWA allows you to customize your website by changing the colors used in the theme. The setting is available for configuration on the store view level.

To change the colors:

Step 1: Enable color customization

  1. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under Settings, choose Configuration.

  2. In the panel on the left under ScandiPWA, choose Color customization.

  3. Expand the Enable color customizations tab, then choose Yes.

Step 2: Choose primary and secondary colors

  1. Expand the Primary colors tab, then choose the preferred colors.

  2. Expand the Secondary colors tab, then choose the preferred colors (preferably grey colors).

  3. When complete, tap Save Configuration.




Primary Colors


Button, Checkbox color



Hover effects (i.e buttons)



Accent background (i.e. mini-cart)


Secondary Colors







Step 3: Refresh invalidated cache types

  1. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under System, choose Cache Management.

  2. Refresh invalidated cache types.


With the ScandiPWA theme, you can customize your store by adding different content to the CMS blocks across the website. Content customization is available on the store view level.

If no CMS block is selected in the configurations, the default CMS blocks will be shown on the storefront instead.

To edit the content:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under Settings, choose Configuration.

  2. In the panel on the left under SnandiPWA, choose Content customization.

  3. Expand the section where you want to edit the CMS block, then choose the block you want to appear on the storefront.

  4. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under System, choose Cache Management.

  5. Refresh invalidated cache types.





Displayed CMS block

The block displayed in the footer above copyright notice.


Promotion CMS block

The block displayed in the mini-cart above the list of products.


Promotion CMS block

The block displayed in the cart bellow cart totals.


Shipping promotion CMS block

The block displayed in the checkout shipping step bellow totals.

If nothing is chosen, there will be no CMS block displayed on the storefront.


Billing promotion CMS block

The block displayed in the checkout billing step bellow totals.

If nothing is chosen, there will be no CMS block displayed on the storefront.

Header and Menu

Menu to display

In this section, you can choose the menu you want to appear in the store.

If nothing is chosen, the menu with the new-main-menu identifier will appear on the storefront.

Header and Menu

Promotion CMS block

The contacts block displayed above the menu.

By default, it includes a telephone number and email.

Header and Menu

Promotion CMS block

The block displayed below the menu items.

By default, it includes links to About Us and Contacts pages.

Product list

Displayed attribute

Attribute to display bellow product name on the product card. For an attribute to appear in the list, make sure it is "Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront".

If nothing is chosen, the brand attribute will appear on the storefront.

Cookie Popup

Cookie Popup Text

The text there is displayed in the cookie popup.

Cookie Popup

Cookie Popup Read more Link

The link there is used in the read more for cookie popup.

❗️ To use the same styles for your new CMS blocks on the front-end, use the following HTML codes for your blocks:

  1. Footer (Displayed CMS block)

<div class="Footer-Content">
    <div class="ContentWrapper Footer-Columns">
        <div class="Footer-Column">
            <h3 class="Footer-ColumnTitle">About</h3>
            <div class="Footer-ColumnContent">
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/about-us">About Us</a>
        <div class="Footer-Column">
            <h3 class="Footer-ColumnTitle">Additional info</h3>
            <div class="Footer-ColumnContent">
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode">Privacy Policy</a>
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/terms-and-conditions">Terms of use</a>
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/privacy-policy-cookie-restriction-mode">Use of Cookies</a>
        <div class="Footer-Column">
            <h3 class="Footer-ColumnTitle">Popular categories</h3>
            <div class="Footer-ColumnContent">
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/women">Women</a>
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/men">Men</a>
                <a class=" Footer-ColumnItem " href="/default/accessories">Accessories</a>
        <div class="Footer-Column">
            <h3 class="Footer-ColumnTitle">Follow</h3>
            <div class="Footer-ColumnContent Footer-ColumnContent_direction_horizontal">
                <a href="" class=" Footer-ColumnItem Footer-ColumnItem_type_image">
                    <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_2 Image_hasSrc Footer-ColumnItemImage ">
                        <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_1 Image_hasSrc  ">
                            <img src="" alt=""
                                loading="lazy" class="Image-Image" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
                </a><a href=""
                    class=" Footer-ColumnItem Footer-ColumnItem_type_image">
                    <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_2 Image_hasSrc Footer-ColumnItemImage ">
                            class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_1 Image_hasSrc  Footer-ColumnItem_type_image">
                            <img src="" alt="" loading="lazy"
                                class="Image-Image" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>

2. Mini-cart (Promotion CMS block)

<p class="CartOverlay-Promo">Free shipping on any order with code <b>SCANDIPWA</b></p>

3. Cart (Promotion CMS block)

<figure class="CartPage-PromoBlock">
    <figcaption class="CartPage-PromoText">Free shipping on any order with code <b>SCANDIPWA</b>

4. Header and Menu (Promotion CMS block) - the contacts block displayed above the menu.

<dl class="contacts-wrapper">
            <a href="tel:983829842">+0 (983) 829842</a>
            <a href=""></a>

5. Header and Menu (Promotion CMS block) - the contacts block displayed below the menu items.

<div class="Menu-Promotion">
   <h3 class="Menu-PageLink"><a class=" Menu-Link" href="/about-us">ABOUT US</a></h3>
   <h3 class="Menu-PageLink"><a class=" Menu-Link" href="/about-us">CONTACTS</a></h3>
   <div class="Menu-Social">
      <div class="CmsBlock-Wrapper">
         <h3 class="list-heading">Social</h3>
               <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
                  <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_1 Image_hasSrc  "><img src="https://scandipwa.local/media/wysiwyg/social/instagram.svg" alt="instagram" loading="lazy" class="Image-Image" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>
               <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
                  <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_1 Image_hasSrc  "><img src="https://scandipwa.local/media/wysiwyg/social/facebook.svg" alt="facebook" loading="lazy" class="Image-Image" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>
               <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
                  <div class="Image Image_ratio_square Image_imageStatus_1 Image_hasSrc  "><img src="https://scandipwa.local/media/wysiwyg/social/twitter.svg" alt="twitter" loading="lazy" class="Image-Image" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>

Last updated