My Wishlist
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The My Wishlist page gives the customer the ability to manage saved products and add them to the cart directly from the wishlist. Below find the description of all the actions related to the customer wishlist:
Add to Wishlist
The customer is able to add the product to the wishlist by tapping on the heart icon. The ScandiPWA theme will ask the customer to log in to the account first.
Edit Your Wishlist
The customer is able to update his products in the wishlist by adding a comment, changing quantity, or removing them from the wishlist.
It is possible to remove all products from the wishlist by tapping the Clear button in the upper-right corner or delete each product separately on the X.
Add to Cart
My Wishlist gives an opportunity to add all products in the wishlist to the shopping cart by tapping the Add All To Cart button on the upper-right corner or to add each product separately.
After the product is added to the cart, it gets removed from the wishlist.
Redirect to Product Description Page
It is possible to open the product description page directly from My Wishlist by clicking on the product image. In case of a configurable product being added to the wishlist, by clicking on it, the user gets redirected to the product description page of that exact configurable product option.
Sharing a Wish List
Sharing a Wish List option is supported by ScandiPWA out of the box. Specify an email and the link to it will be sent to the specified recipient.