Product Stock Options

ScandiPWA supports the following default product inventory setting at the product level:




Manage Stock


The setting activates inventory control of your catalog when set to "yes".



Backorders do not change the processing status of the order. Regardless of whether the product is in stock, orders can still be placed and the funds are authorized/captured immediately.

Supported options: "No Backorders" or "Allow Qty Below 0"

Enable Qty Increments


The setting determines if the product can be sold in quantity increments. Available options: "Yes" or "No"

Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart


The setting determines the minimum number of the product that can be purchased in a single order.

Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart


The setting determines the maximum number of the product that can be purchased in a single order.

Out-of-Stock Threshold


The setting determines the stock level at which a product is considered to be out of stock.

Notify for Quantity Below


The setting determines the stock level at which notification is sent that the inventory has fallen below the threshold.

Automatically Return Credit Memo Item to Stock


Returns the item to inventory by default, when a credit memo is issued for the item, if set to "yes"

Caching Note

The elements will be updated on the Front-End immediately after save as they are part of the ScandiPWA caching solution that will invalidate caching entries for the updated content. No cache flush or any other manual operations are necessary. Content will be visible after page refresh and new cache entry will be stored.

Last updated