Cart Price Rules

Cart price rules apply discounts to items in the shopping cart, based on a set of conditions.


Use the test cases below to test your ScandiPWA App!

Create a Cart Price Rule

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules

  2. Click on Add New Rule

  3. Fill out all of the required fields.

  4. Tap Save.

Below find the breakdown of cart price rules promotions that are supported by ScandiPWA:

Caching Note

The rule will be updated on the front-end immediately after save as they are part of the ScandiPWA caching solution that will invalidate caching entries for the updated content. No cache flush or any other manual operations are necessary. Content will be visible after page refresh and a new cache entry will be stored.


To verify the support for this section, use the following test cases:

Last updated